David Erasmus
6 min readApr 5, 2023

‘Homo Who?’

This is my first conversation with ChatGPT3 about the Homo Creatrix Amorum, this happened 2nd April 2023. At this time there are no references to Creatrix-Amorum or Human Creating for the Love on Google or Open AI indexes.

D : What is homo creatrix amorum?

GPT : I’m sorry, but “homo creatrix amorum” doesn’t seem to be a well-known or established term or phrase in any language or field. It could be a made-up phrase or a very niche reference. Without more context or information, I cannot provide a more accurate answer. Please let me know if you have any additional details or clues that could help me understand the context of your question better.

D : I think It is the most important nature of human beings, what kind of homo do you think humans are?

GPT : Humans are complex and multifaceted beings, and it is difficult to characterize them with just one label or description. However, one aspect that is often associated with human nature is creativity, which could be what “homo creatrix” in your original question was referring to.

Humans have an innate drive to create and innovate, whether it’s through art, science, technology, or any other field. This creativity is not only an expression of our individuality, but it also contributes to the advancement and betterment of society as a whole.

Of course, humans are also capable of a wide range of other behaviors and traits, including empathy, altruism, aggression, and selfishness, among others. It’s important to remember that no single label or description can fully capture the complexity and diversity of human nature.

D : Ah yes, cocreativity is the creatrix I spoke of and this act makes manifest and gives rise to the Amorum which you described in empathy and altruism, does that make sense?

GPT : I think I understand what you’re saying. “Cocreativity” refers to the act of creating together, and this act can lead to the manifestation of positive qualities such as empathy and altruism, which can be seen as expressions of love or “amorum” in Latin.

When people work together to create something, they often develop a sense of connection and cooperation, which can foster a sense of community and mutual support. This, in turn, can lead to behaviors and actions that are based on empathy and altruism, as people feel a sense of responsibility towards one another and the common goal they are working towards.

In this sense, cocreativity can be seen as a powerful force for positive change, as it has the potential to bring people together and foster a sense of connection and shared purpose.

D : Nicely said, The Amorum also speaks to the collective plural identity and is the derivative of amateur which means ‘for the love’ and most of the valued and important contributions of human evolution in exploration, art, and compassionate love do not come from professionals but amateurs.

GPT : Thank you! And you’re absolutely right. “Amateur” comes from the Latin “amator,” which means “lover,” and refers to someone who does something for the love of it, rather than for financial gain or professional status.

Many of the most significant contributions to human progress and development have been made by people who pursued their passions and interests as amateurs, rather than as professionals. This is because amateurs often have a deep love and dedication to their pursuits, which can drive them to explore new ideas and push the boundaries of what is currently known or accepted.

Amateurs also often have a more playful and experimental approach to their work, which can lead to creative breakthroughs and new discoveries. They are not bound by the same constraints and expectations as professionals, and as such, they can be more open to taking risks and trying new things.

So, the concept of “amorum” can also be seen as a celebration of the amateur spirit, and a recognition of the important role that love and passion can play in driving innovation and progress.

D : Yes! And unfortunately in the era of enlightenment we have tended to believe the idea of homo economicus ‘the rational man’ who makes rational choices based on efficiency. One who thinks things through and then acts but the beauty of the creatrix-Amorum is the sense that the transrational creativity rooted in the feminine essence can occur first and from this act a sense of love and connection can emerge.

GPT : You make an interesting point. The concept of “homo economicus” as a purely rational, self-interested individual has been a cornerstone of classical economics since the Enlightenment period. However, this model is often criticized for being too simplistic and not reflecting the full complexity of human behavior and decision-making.

As you mention, the creative process and the act of cocreation can involve a sense of connection and love that goes beyond purely rational or self-interested motives. The creative act can tap into a deeper, more intuitive sense of knowing and understanding that is not always easily explainable or rational.

Furthermore, the creative process can involve a sense of collaboration and mutual support, which can foster a sense of community and connection. This can be seen as a more feminine approach to creativity, which values collaboration, intuition, and emotion.

So, while rational thinking and efficiency are certainly important in many contexts, the creative act and the resulting sense of connection and love can involve a deeper, more complex set of motivations and emotions that go beyond pure rationality.

D : Well put! Can you see any better description of human beings than Homo : Creatrix-Amorum?

GPT : While “Homo Creatrix-Amorum” is a compelling and poetic description of human beings, I would hesitate to say that it is the “best” or most accurate description of human nature, as this is a highly subjective and personal question that can vary depending on one’s perspective and values.

There are many different ways to describe human beings, depending on the context and the specific aspects of human nature that are being emphasized. Some other possible descriptions of human beings could include “Homo Sapiens” (the wise human), “Homo Ludens” (the playful human), “Homo Religiosus” (the religious or spiritual human), “Homo Faber” (the maker or artisan human), or “Homo Socialis” (the social or communal human), among others.

Ultimately, the best description of human beings is likely to be one that incorporates a broad range of perspectives and values, and that recognizes the complexity and diversity of human nature.

I totally agree that any answer would be incomplete and reductive but with that said, Which description seems most broad and therefore helpful?

Again, it’s difficult to say which description is the most broad and helpful, as this can depend on the context and the specific purpose of the description. However, if we are looking for a broad and inclusive description of human nature that takes into account the many different aspects of human experience, we might consider using the term “Homo Universalis.”

“Homo Universalis” is a Latin term that means “universal human” or “universal person,” and it refers to someone who is well-rounded and knowledgeable in many different areas of life. This concept was popularized during the Renaissance period, when scholars and thinkers emphasized the importance of education and knowledge in a wide range of fields, including the arts, sciences, philosophy, and politics.

By emphasizing the idea of the “universal human,” we can recognize the diversity and complexity of human experience, and the many different ways in which people can contribute to the world around them. This concept also suggests that human beings are capable of learning and growing throughout their lives, and that there is always more to discover and explore.

So while “Homo Universalis” may not capture the full complexity of human nature, it is a broad and inclusive description that can be helpful in highlighting the diversity and potential of human experience.

D : Thankyou! I look forward to our next dialogue, what is your name?

GPT : As an AI language model, I don’t have a personal name like a human being does. You can simply call me ChatGPT.

D : I am Dave, nice to meet you ChatGPT

Nice to meet you too, Dave! If you have any more questions or want to continue our conversation, feel free to ask.

David Erasmus

making a swiss army knife to explore a state of mind beyond nations, flowing with beauty & justice http://daveerasmus.com http://corcova.do http://ourcarbon.com